Saturday, October 15, 2011

Sudan Will Not Attend U.S. Workshop on Darfur

The United States will hold an official workshop in two weeks focused on bringing lasting peace to Darfur; an event that will be attended by rebel groups of the region, but not any representative of the Sudanese government. The Liberation and Justice Movement was the only rebel group involved in the Doha Darfur Peace Document of 2011, and it is the aim of this workshop and continued efforts going forward on the part of the U.S. to bring agreement with the Sudanese government and the other violent factions invloved in Darfur, including groups such as the Justice and Equality Movement (JEM), and Sudan Liberation Army (SLA). The official position coming out of Khartoum however is that any discussion against the Doha Darfur Peace Document, is at this moment, unneccessary. Those surveying the continued unrest of the region would probably tend to differ with this stance, but the reality is that any progressive ventures such as the one being put forth by the United States are unlikely to yield any successful results until Sudan changes its relatively apathetic tune.

David Johnson

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