Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Bashir vows Shariah Law Constitution

President Omar al-Bashir announced his full intentions to push forward with the creation of an all-Islamic constitution and instigation of Shariah law as the primary legal governing force in Sudan last Wednesday. With the predominantly Christian south having seceded more than three months ago now leaving the predominantly Muslim north to its own designs. The President had threatened such a move back in December, prior to the referendum on Southern independence, but at the time it had been seen as more of an empty threat.

He also recently claimed to a group of students in Khartoum in a speech that: “Ninety eight percent of the people are Muslims and the new constitution will reflect this. The official religion will be Islam and Islamic law the main source [of the constitution],” Bashir said in a speech to students in Khartoum. “We call it a Muslim state.”

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