I mean, really? Will this split relationship ever end between Croatia and Serbia. It seems lately that Serbia has been really annoyed with Croatia. Today, Serbia claimed another international lawsuit against a Croatian holiday in the name of thousands of Serbs that were banished in 1995 by the Ustache. In 2006, the Republic of Croatia named August 5 as "Oluja" day. This day commemorates the victory over Serbia in 1995. It now bothers Serbia in 2010. They claim that this day does not commemorate victory, but is a celebrated of ethnic cleansing and murder of the Serbian people. This is yet another attempt at seeking justice for those who were brutally murdered and emotionally damaged during the rampages of the Ustache. "Consequently we request court trial against those who planned and committed it, compensation of damage, safe return of the expelled and their safe life there," Sasa Obradovic, the chief of the Serbian legal team, said. The Croatian response to this lawsuit is that it is "nonsense, and should be ignored".
P.S. Groovy Picture:

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