Sunday, October 24, 2010

Women Leadership in Africa.

Currently, women representation in African countries is not vast across many borders. It is without a doubt that this question needs to be addressed because the gap between men and women seems to decrease by the day making this an urgent question to address. This week, over 200 Members of Parliament from Common wealth countries will be meeting in Uganda to discuss maternal health and women representation in leadership.
Rebecca Kadaga, Chairperson of MPs said the meeting will focus on key policy initiatives and legislation on equal sharing of responsibilities between women and men, including care-giving in cases of HIV/AIDS, equal participation in the decision making at all levels, and the gender perspectives of the financial crisis in Africa.
It is without a doubt that most African countries require 30% of women representation in their legislation bodies but this has not yet been met by most African counties.Hon. Tonye Harry, President of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CPA) Africa Region who is the Speaker of the River State House of Assembly, Nigeria, in his address said the gender agenda must be understood in all its ramifications in order to be handled properly. Stating that the "progress for women was the progress for all", he said women should form partnerships with men in the pursuit of the gender equality struggle.

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