Sunday, January 22, 2012
EU Iran sanctions: Nations poised to ban Iran oil imports
Wednesday, November 23, 2011
Sudan Wants Compensation from South for Oil
Saturday, November 19, 2011
New developments with Iran
The UN passed a new resolution against Iran and development of nuclear weapons. It seems to be a threat, authorizing action but not requiring it from signatories.
Friday, November 18, 2011
SPLA-N Leader dissappointed in UN Secretary-General
William Ragan,40753
Western Darfur Worker Protest
William Ragan
Pressure for Change effecting Bashir?
William Ragan,40757
Bashir's Posturing Decieving?
William Ragan
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
China, Sudan pledge to boost military ties
Interestingly, Sudan has pledged to continue its support of the "one China" policy, which does not recognize Taiwan as a sovereign state.
China's defense minister, Liang Guanglie, stated that China and Sudan "always" support each other in international affairs. Clearly, that is a bold statement which aims at showing political solidarity between the two states.
The announcement of further stated cooperation between Sudan and China must heighten tension between South Sudan and Sudan.
Stephen Phelps
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
The Hague takes action against Sudan again.
Sunday, November 13, 2011
Malawi Explains to The ICC Why it Did Not Arrest Bashir
The International Criminal Court (ICC) asked Malawi for an explanation as to why the country had not arrested Sudanese president Omar al-Bashir during his visit to Malawi last month. Malawi explained that although it continues to commit itself to the Rome Statute the government found that because Sudan is not a party to the Statute, Malawi could not waive any immunities under Article 27 that it would otherwise provide to the Heads of State. Malawi further argued that it agreed with the position of the African Union that no African leader should have to be brought to the Hague and should otherwise be tried in Africa. The Malawian President would see the act of bringing Bashir to the Hague as undermining the African judicial system. President Mutharika is arguing that the ICC should not be given jurisdiction of the case because courts in Africa are able and competent. However, this case was referred to by the United Nations, in which case the ICC is given jurisdiction. There is a definite need for the international community to cooperate with the ICC and adhere to the jurisdiction it is given in order to give the court a chance. Efforts made by Western countries to take a stance on the issue is important to set an president for what is expected and to add legitimacy to the ICC. Some western countries have already pulled around $1 billion of aid from Malawi for its own human rights abuses and for hosting Bashir, a known wanted war criminal. It is important for the United States to also suspend aid to show that it will not tolerate Malawi's allowance of immunities to Bashir, but it is of further importance that other countries outside of western governments take a stand so to orchestrate a more universal acknowledgment of the ICC and its jurisdiction.
To read more:,40711
-Kathleen Fultz
EU Earmarks 200 Million Euros for Health, Infrastructure in South Sudan
Matt Boguslawski
Sudan Backs Syria's Removal from Arab League
Talks Unlikely due to Sudan Conflict
Talks between Sudan and South Sudan are unlikely due to recent violence along the border regions, but the prospect of war is doubtful. According to President Salya Kirr of South Sudan, the South is not willing to further place its people in danger for the sake of fighting with the North. He stated he does not want the North infringing upon the sovereign rights of South Sudan. Subsequently, the northern army conducted two cross-border air strikes on both a refugee camp and a ground attack in the states of Unity and the Upper Nile. Khartoum rejected these charges claiming that Juba was “supplying the southern-aligned SPLM-North rebels that the Sudanese armed forces (SAF) claims to have defeated in Blue Nile state but continues to battle in South Kordofan.” Those analyzing the situation, claim the violence in the tense border regions are going to worsen the situation for Juba and Khartoum where disputes over allocating oil revenue and other post-secession issues.
Taryn Vaughan
Rebel Alliance Forms to Overthrow Khartoum Regime
By: Nick McGuire
South Sudan October Inflation Jumpsto 71.7 pct
In addition, the Sudanese bombing of a South Sudan refugee camp is complicating matters further.
The level to which South Sudan relies on its former master is causing problems. Coupled with difficulties in the export of oil, South Sudan is going to find it increasingly difficult to balance its economy.
Stephen Phelps
Disease in Africa: Good and Bad news
However, another article suggests that climate change may allow insects that carry and spread diseases such as sleeping sickness, yellow fever, and malaria to propagate with greater intensity which would cause the diseases to become more common and wide-spread.
Now the question is, would a vaccine be a positive change or merely counter balance the increase in malaria and other insect-carried diseases?
Wednesday, November 9, 2011
South Sudan Delays Program to Root Out Unqualified State Workers
A new program set up to root unqualified state workers in South Sudan is being delayed with concerns of who the it will affect. The Southern Sudan feel these public jobs are entitled to them after enduring a brutal civil war and battle for independence. I can't blame them!
It is estimated that as many as 65 percent of state workers may have falsified their credentials or are unqualified. Public- service jobs are seen as just reward for people who fought in a two-decade civil war that led to South Sudan’s independence on July 9, said Deputy Information Minister Atem Yaak Atem. 42 % of this years budget (98% of which comes from oil production) in South Sudan will go to paying salaries of these workers. Other governments are encouraging South Sudan to look into the issue but nothing has been done thus far..
By: Liz Hasseld
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
South Sudan has a Limo! And growing pains.
Monday, November 7, 2011
Bahir Has Visited Kurmuk
Iran nearing nuclear weapon capability
Sunday, November 6, 2011
UN peacekeeper killed in Darfur
One UN peacekeeper from Sierra Leone was killed in Darfur. Two others were injured in the attack on a patrol station. According the the UN-African Union mission in Darfur (UNAMID) 33 peacekeepers have been killed in Darfur since the force began its mission in 2007 in an effort to end hostilities between rebels and the Khartoum government. It has not been determined who was responsible for this particular attack and it was not immediately confirmed by Sudanese officials.
UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon condemned the attack (which took place near Nyala) and put his faith for the government of Khartoum to "swiftly bring those responsible for this reprehensible act to justice,"
South Sudan Rejects Sudan's Complaint to UN over Rebels
Taryn Vaughan
U.S.$480 Million Spent On Darfur Peace Strategy
Matt Boguslawski
South Sudan to Use English for Education
By: Nick McGuire
South Sudanese fear impact of farming deals
Egypt's Citadel Capital has set up a farming operation in South Sudan's Unity State. However, this agricultural operation is staffed by laborers from Zimbabwe, not South Sudan. Further, the crops harvested on this land will be sold to the government of South Sudan. This is raising fears that the food will go to the army, which is still taking up a huger percentage of the South Sudanese governmental budget.
Coincidentally, the land which Citadel Capital has leased lies within the oil-rich Unity State. Obviously, this fact has raised fears that the motives of Citadel Capital and other investment groups may lie beneath the land they are leasing.
Stephen Phelps
Sudan Files UN Complaint against South
The bloody battles occurring along the disputed North-South border are unfolding in similarly inhumane ways as have occured in the past in Sudan. The separation of the North and South into two different entities has done little to solve any problems, and if anything it has caused an escalation in violence and struggle. The sad irony of Sudan complaining that South Sudan is arming rebel groups in the north is that Sudan's government is undoubetdly doing the same thing with rebel groups in the south. There are still many territorial and economic issues that stand unresolved from when the country split in two, and with the lack of strong governments in place, this split will continue to cause increasing amounts of violence unless something is done to stop it.
David Johnson
Thursday, November 3, 2011
Bashir Promises 'liberation' of Southern Cities
Wednesday, November 2, 2011
US Extends Sanctions on Sudan

Although the referendum is seen as having gone off fairly well, fighting continues in the contested regions of Abyei and the Blue Nile region causing US hesitation to remove long-promised change in the United States position in Sudanese politics. On Tuesday, President Obama extended the sanctions for another year stating "Khartoum's policies had not yet improved enough to warrant their removal."
Some small steps have been taken to reduce sanctions on farm equipment on the Sudan's crippled agricultural production in the wake of massive price inflation in struggling food markets. However, it has yet to remove Sudan from the list of State sponsored terrorists which is contingent on the continuing conflict in Darfur which Khartoum's government refuses to recognize as a genocide.
Economic sanctions against the South Sudan have been lifted by the United States to hopefully help foster economic development in the newly created country, but sanctions remain on oil exports as the economy of the South and Sudan are still greatly connected by this revenue.
By: Gina Fazio
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
Student Protests in North Sudan
Four Hundred students at the University of Kassala in eastern Sudan (in the North) held protest demanding the chancellor be dismissed.
A day earlier, the students were holding demonstrations protesting the rising cost of living and high education fees. Police fired tear gas to break up the protests. Protests has been happening over the past three weeks and this was the first time the police intervened. Since the intervention even more students have showed up to continue the protests.
Sudan’s annual inflation rate stood at almost 21 percent last month, the Khartoum-based Central Bureau of Statistics said on Oct. 7.
By: Liz Hasseld
Monday, October 31, 2011
Ugandan border moves into South Sudanese territory
Border relations between the world's newest country and Uganda have been a continuous problem as Ugandan Peoples Defense Forces (UPDF) has had a significant presence in the border regions in search of the Lord's Resistance Army (LRA) which they had perused across the border into South Sudan. Sources assert that the LRA "is no longer in the area".
By: Gina Fazio
Sunday, October 30, 2011
UNESCO Reprimands South Sudan on Education Reform
By: Nick McGuire
Chinese Firm Wins Contract for S. Sudan's New Capital
Matt Boguslawski
The UN Decides NATO Mission Has Been Accomplished in Libya
The UN security council has decided that Nato’s mission in Libya will formally be over on Monday. This mission was first launched to protect Libyan civilians by any means necessary following Gaddafi’s violent assault on protester. In the process, Nato was able to get rid of Gaddafi and his control network. Although Libya’s National Transitional Council has asked for NATO to stay because of continued security needs the security council decided that the passed mandate to protect Libyan citizens has already been achieved. Any further military action mandated by the UN will need to be voted on separately. Even though the UN will no longer have a strong military presence on the ground, western countries have continued to keep advisors in Libya to try to keep the stockpiles of weapons found in the country from entering the wrong hands.
to read more:
-Kathleen Fultz
Students Lead Anti-Government Protest in Sudan
David Johnson
Un urged to Monitor Government moving Militia
S.Sudan dismisses rebel warning of looming advance
South Sudanese government sources claim that there is no threat and the SSLA is not in control of Mayom. Military leaders in South Sudan also claim there is no significan security threat to Mayom.
The SSLA has given NGO and aid workers three days to leave Warap, their reported next target.
It will be interesting to see if the SSLA are able to hold up their threat. Further, it will be important to see if the South Sudanese government and military is actually aware and in control of their own state.
It will be curious to see how groups such as the SSLA will effect the economic and political development of South Sudan.
Stephen Phelps
Sudan distributes 50 additional Gold Exploration Licenses
Recently, Sudan which produces African gold, has distributed fifty more licenses to firms to search for gold as well as other minerals. In response to all the oil reserves lost to South Sudan which became independent in July, increasing production of African gold is one way Sudan hopes to replenish what it has lost.
The licenses permit these firms to search for gold in the eleven states. Thus far, Sudan has distributed about 200 gold exploration licenses in total. Minerals Minister, Ahmed, stated the plan for next year is to create a refinery that can hold 150 tons of gold and 30 tons of silver. Sudan estimates in 2011, it will produce approximately 70 tons of gold. It’s estimated that 6-7 tons of gold will derive from ordinary mines while the remaining is produced by over 200 local Sudanese that were drawn to the gold rush.
Taryn Vaughan
Saturday, October 29, 2011
Rebels Attack South Sudanese Town
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
Music in the Streets of Sudan
Sunday, October 23, 2011
A Media Forum in South Sudan Talks About Press Freedom
On the 22nd of October, South Sudan hosted a media forum in Juba, urging the news media to be unbiased and deliver objective journalism as the country starts to mature out of their new independence. The country is trying to initiate an independent media base that is not pressured by the government officials. The chairman of the Union of Journalists of Southern Sudan Oliver Modi spoke to the Committee to Protect Journalists to raise concerns over the eight attacks against the press in 2011. This forum was set up to ease the fears of journalists that are nervous about reporting criticism about the South Sudanese government. Topics discussed included press freedom and making the media independent from the government. The next step will be to pass clear legislation on media by the South Sudanese government to establish the place of journalism in this new country.
To read more:,40507
Title of the artice: South Sudan Media Forum calls for Objective Reporting
-Kathleen Fultz