Sunday, November 6, 2011

Sudan Files UN Complaint against South

The Republic of Sudan has sent official complaints to the United Nations that claim that South Sudan is arming rebel groups that are attacking Sudanese troops and villages. The complaints, directed towards the U.N. Security Council, claim that rebel groups are being given ammunition, landmines, and anti-tank and anti-aircraft missiles by the South, while the South has responded by saying that they don't even have anti-aircraft missiles for themselves, let alone to deploy to rebel groups in up north.

The bloody battles occurring along the disputed North-South border are unfolding in similarly inhumane ways as have occured in the past in Sudan. The separation of the North and South into two different entities has done little to solve any problems, and if anything it has caused an escalation in violence and struggle. The sad irony of Sudan complaining that South Sudan is arming rebel groups in the north is that Sudan's government is undoubetdly doing the same thing with rebel groups in the south. There are still many territorial and economic issues that stand unresolved from when the country split in two, and with the lack of strong governments in place, this split will continue to cause increasing amounts of violence unless something is done to stop it.

David Johnson

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