Tuesday, March 8, 2011

What would Charlie do in Libya?

Up until recently, rebel forces have been able to push back at pro-Gadahfi forces. However this push has been halted by the pro-goverments forces use of military palnes to bomb cities and prevent rebel forces from crossing the dessert.
This has alowed his strong hold of Tripoli, which will probably be his strongest and last stand.

Talks about a ceasefire seem very ulikeley to occur, the opposotion has made it clear they will not negotiate with the former regime underaby circumstances. The idea of a no fly zone appears to be a verbal football being thrown back and forth, with no real momentum in either direction. Other options, such as covertly funding the rebel forces seem to be a more plausible solution in my opinion,becuase western antions would not have to risk in the short term, their diplomatic image. Charlie Wilson anyone?


Greg Voegtle

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