Friday, January 7, 2011

Is Kim Jong-un the Next Successor in North Korea?

Experts in Seoul are questioning the veracity of the claims that Kim Jong-un will be next successor to the family dynasty in North Korea, because of the lack of movement on the part of the North Korean government towards making the announcement official. While Kim Jong-un was presented a high military title and two top positions within the Communist People's Party in the country in September, signs that he was going to be named the successor, but given his father's failing health, concern among experts in that nothing new has happened highlighting Kim Jong-un. Kim Jong-un resembles his grandfather, Kim Il-sung, but that is all we know for sure about the heir to the throne. Reports remain unconfirmed as to whether he's 28 or 29, studied in Switzerland or not, is married or not, and loves his elder brother or conspired with the Chinese to have him killed. A Chinese delegation met Kim Jong-un in October at a dinner meeting, however Robert Carlin a former State Department Intelligence Analyst who focused primarily on North Korea did not meet Kim Jong-un nor was Kim Jong-un even a topic of conversation in November upon seeing a uranium enrichment facility outside Pyongyang. In the media, Kim Jong-un has not been reverently hailed as leader of the party, and he hasn't even been acknowledged as Kim Jong-il's son. This in addition to other details such as a lack of bold type of Kim Jong-un's name in newspapers (showing important stature), lack of campaign slogans and media, and a lack of red type for his name on state printed calendars may be in deference to Kim Jong-il's recent recovery from his stroke in 2008 and unwillingness to step aside.

Margaret Nunne

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