Sunday, November 14, 2010

First Family 'Too Close' to Oil Sector

An anti-corruption watchdog group out of the UK released a report accusing Museveni of "conflict of interest" and "personalization" of oil reserves stating that he is using military and other forces to allow his family the economic advantage of the oil and gas reserves in the nation. These concerns were also echoed by a Ugandan-based group, Global Witness, that investigates the relation between natural resources and corruption worldwide. Their report states that two of Museveni's relatives are in charge of the military right now and are closely protecting the oil. The government generally denies all claims and states that military forces are surrounding oil wells in order to protect the natural resources, the countries greatest asset, from terrorists and others trying to steal the wealth of the nation. In response, an army spokesperson also stated, "Foreigners should stop interfering with the management of our natural resources. They should keep off our oil; we know how to manage it." Suprise.

Global Witness claims that this is a dangerous deviation from "democratic standards." This statement was especially alarming to be considering the debates we have recently had regarding Museveni's elimination of term limits despite democratic rule. I'm forcasting the "slippery slope" syndrome in the fact that small actions are slowly being made that are leading Uganda away from democracy, but not a drastic, overnight change that would bring about sudden alert. The more I study African politics, the more I am becoming convinced that term limits are necessary in creating a stable, democratic society.

by Brianna howell

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