Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Egypt and King Louis XVI

This article compares the Eygyptian revolution to two other main coup-de-tats, the one in England in 1688 and France in 1789. The author analyzes what type of recolution Egypt will become, and explains how it could take several months depending on the political conditions of the country, and whether a ruling party is ready to take power. Additionally, he points out that it will be near impossible to predict whether their will be a "rein of terror", like seen in the French Revolution or whether a duling democraycy will be put in place. It is importants that he notes that during the frnech revolution, the Jacobins and more radical groups did not take hold of France until after the fall of Bastille, and that a similiar reign of terror could occur in Egypt, but not until a couple years have passed. It is very possible the media will overlook the more critical turning points in Egypts revolution, and that this will be a very long process before the final hold on power takes place.

Greg Voegtle,1

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